Thursday 22 December 2011

PMR....berbaloi... :D

Pgi kelam kabut nok g skolh sbb aq bngn kol 9.30 pgi...pdhl result pmr kuor kol 10.00..( dgn dop gosok bju lgi, belum brekfest nyer, kene bri kucing makan nyer...) sume ni wak aq makin lewat... then aq siap kol 10.10 pgi dgn full school attire.... aq gi sorg dri je.... parent aq ade keje masing2..... ayoh aq kat klntn... mok aq keje kat pasir gajah.... so aq kene jln kaki ke skolh...( nasib baek umoh aq dkat jew...)

Bile time aq sampai je skolh..... aq rase debor n sumbak...( beselah kan kalu lame dop jupe kwn pahtu sorg dri je..) tpi aq wak muke slamber jer... lame lps tu.. kiteorg sume kene msok dewan mercu sbb nok umum result ni lah... sume debor2 lake.. mase cg2 skolh kabo yg skolh dpt 85 org 8a... aq rase still ade peluang tpi.. kadang2 tu debor gop sbb takot dpt 7a1b..(kalu gitu..mesti aq frust gile..)

lpas cg azri habih je umum org yg dpt 7a1b/8a1b.... aq rase selamat tpi debor gop.... then mase time cg panggil bdok2 8a n my name is called... arhhh... aq extremely excited and happy.... klas aq, 3 brilliant sume straingt As except 3 org yg terbabas sket.... and all  my friend > Raby, Tiara, Pdah, Rafiq n others.... pahtu sume bdok2 straight As kene naek atas pentas utk sesi bergambor.... kiteorg sume senyum  smpi kat telinge..  ( sinar harian ader datang skolh...)

tak terhingge.. :D

Lps je habis event tu..... sume b'salaman...b'pelukan..... Shahirah pulok bgi aq chocolate.. (sape yg dop suke coklat kan...)..... smbil menunggu parent pon terus tepon parent aq psl result nie..(diaorg mestilah happy).... aq, Raby, Pdah... lepak2 dlu kat dewan terbuke... blik je umoh on9... penoh org wak status(termasoklah aq..hahaha)...

To me...: aq rase amat berbaloi giler aq blajor slame 3 thun....
To my frenz..: jgnlah bersedih sgt k...byk lgi bende yg menunggu kite... p'juangan kitew bkan stakat ni je...

Raby koya sorg.... :D

: sape2 yg wish tahniah kat aq.... maseh n congratzzz too....and to all my teacher.. thank you

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